Maldizioak barrenean gorde ditut. Beno, ez. Lakaz betetako hurrengo abestia entzuten hastean, aldamenekoari esan diot: "Oraintxe bertan The Housemartinsen kanta bat eskatuko nuke". Ez naiz saiatu ere egin, alferrikako lana izango delako, baina talde ingeles honen abesti batekin hasiko dut 20 abestiko zerrenda, erakusteko badagoela 'años 80ko' beste musika bat, hainbesteko lakarik behar ez duena. Hor doa. Ah, gauerditik aurrera teletienda guztietan izango duzue salgai!
1. The Housemartins: Happy hour
2. The Smiths: There is light that never goes out
3. The Stranglers: Golden brown
4. The Waterboys: Fisherman's blues
5. R.E.M.: I believe
6. The Cure: Just like heaven
7. Hüsker Dü: Don't want to know if you are lonely
8. Orange Juice: Rip it up
9. New Order: True faith
10. Los Enemigos: John Wayne
11. BB sin sed: Sed de sed
12. M-ak: Barkatu ama
13. Elvis Costello and the Attractions: I hope you're happy now
14. Lloyd Cole and the Commotions: Jennifer she said
15. Sonic Youth: Teenage riot
16. The Triffids: In the pines
17. Violent Femmes: Blister in the sun
18. The Specials: Ghost town
19. Young Fresh Fellows: Celebration
20. The Jam: A Town called Malice